School playgrounds are heavily used areas that have to withstand children running around and playing for a lot of years. 

That's why Artificial grass is an ideal choice for play areas and other types of recreational areas. In this article, we're going to be taking a closer look at five reasons to install artificial grass in schools and playgrounds.

1. Less Maintenace Required

Artificial grass is a very low-maintenance option and it will dramatically reduce your maintenance costs also.

Once installed, you can clean it occasionally and don't have to worry about watering, mowing or weeding the area. 

For schools and other local authorities, this provides a huge advantage over real grass.

2. Artificial Grass Can Be Used All Year Around

On rainy days, if a child who has been walking in mud then climbs onto play equipment, they face a greater risk of falling.

But, at any time of the year, artificial grass enables you to play without the messy mud and dirt when you roll around on it.

Kids will love playing on artificial grass as they will find it's just as soft as the real thing.

3. No Toxic Chemicals

Artificial grass is much safer than your natural grass as there is no need to use unnatural and harmful chemicals like weed-killers, pesticides or fertilizers.

Of course, with artificial turf this will no longer be an issue, as it doesn't require any form of fertilizers, weedkillers or pesticides, creating a much safer environment for children to learn and play in.

4. Avoid Allergic Conditions

One of the main causes for allergy is the pollen from grass itself. Lawn mowing is the trigger for releasing pollen into the air and this can have an effect on children and adults alike.

Artificial Turf does not require mowing and therefore there will be less pollen in the air for children to breathe in, reducing the effects of allergies.

5. Safer Environment

The biggest advantage to artificial grass is the safety factor of the kids using the area.

If a child does fall, the soft, synthetic blades will be just as soft as natural grass on their skin so they are less likely to experience cuts or broken bones. Artificial turf is excellent at providing a softer and safer landing.

Whether it be a small play area, large playing field or a football pitch, artificial grass is a great solution for schools, playgroups, local authorities and universities alike. The heavy use that these types of areas receive makes them perfect candidates for artificial grass.

Eden Grass is creatively made to replicate natural grass. We offer a range of durable artificial grass, which keeps incredible all year round with different characteristics to suit your every need. Eden Grass is a top spec product and is designed with yarn technology enabling recovery after activity, with vibrant green tones.
