Artificial grass can get hotter than natural grass on hot, sunny days. Natural grass has a cooling effect, but artificial grass does not. You can compare artificial grass with pavement which also retains the sun’s heat.

This is because as the sun heats the lawn, a lot of that heat will stay in the pile and is not absorbed into the soil below. The turf will, therefore, be warmer than natural grass when the temperature is hot.

However, there are ways to manage this and to make your synthetic lawn a comfortable place to play or hang out any day of the year.

This issue does not necessarily mean that an artificial turf installation is not a good option. Adversely, the truth of the matter is that natural grass is not drought friendly, it will eat up a lot of your water bill in the summer, there will be weeds and it is not fully tolerant to wet weather and wetness in general, all conditions to which artificial turf is well suited. 

Eden Grass is creatively made to replicate natural grass. We offer a range of durable artificial grass, which keeps incredible all year round with different characteristics to suit your every need. Eden Grass is a top spec product and is designed with yarn technology enabling recovery after activity, with vibrant green tones.
