We love our lawns. They provide us with a place to gather, play and relax. Yet, they are a lot of work too, particularly when the shade is introduced. If we have trees in our yard then we know the struggle is real. Grass needs sunlight to grow. We might need a solution for shade.

So what to do? There are types of grass that grow in shade, but getting them installed and set can be tricky. What we need is a solution for shade. The best answer is an Artificial Grass Lawns.

Why Artificial Grass is the Best Solution for Shade

Artificial grass stays green and requires no watering, is not affected by extreme temperature variations. There are other benefits too.

No more fighting. It takes work to keep grass growing with low sunlight. The battle is constant. Artificial grass takes the fight away. Instead of wondering how long our grass will last, we can admire it all year long. So put the fertilizer and special care instructions to rest. Then enjoy the view. It’s much better than a huge bare spot.

Economical. While it may cost a bit more initially to install artificial grass, long-term cost savings are our friend. Consider how much money we need to spend on maintaining that particular problem area of our lawn. Artificial grass as a solution for shade is a one-time investment that will pay us back for years to come. Beyond saving money, our new problem spot will save our most precious asset, time. Real grass needs hundreds of hours of maintenance and special care and attention throughout the year. It’s instantly vanished when we install artificial grass as a solution for shade. Between the money and time, the investment just makes sense.

Evergreen Enjoyment. Imagine looking out over a space that was once a bare eye sore and seeing lush green grass. Now imagine that is all we see every single time we glance toward that spot. It almost sounds too good to be true. It sounds like the perfect solution for shade.

Pest Prevention. Bugs tend to thrive in shady spots. The cooler temperatures carry humidity and create a moist environment. Shady spots are pest rich environments. Addressing the problem with artificial grass takes away the incentive for pests to thrive. The lack of moisture and nutrients will force them to move elsewhere for survival.

Eden Grass is creatively made to replicate natural grass. We offer a range of durable artificial grass, which keeps incredible all year round with different characteristics to suit your every need. Eden Grass is a top spec product and is designed with yarn technology enabling recovery after activity, with vibrant green tones.


  1. Dubai Artificial Grass is a luxury grass range that fits all of your wishes. We have a variety of mixtures like light and dark shades for your lawn with customization designs with a natural-looking thatch curl. The Dubai Artificial Grass has been named one of the best-known companies on the list of world-class artificial grass suppliers in Dubai with years of experience and expertise of a qualified team dedicated to providing quality services.


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