INSTALLATION OF SYNTHETIC TURF. Artificial Grass Dealers in Cochin, Artificial Turf Dealers in Cochin, Synthetic Grass Dealers in Cochin, Synthetic Turf Dealers in Cochin, Landscape Grass Dealers in Cochin ,Garden Grass Dealers in Cochin

There are two key parts to convert a natural turf field into a synthetic turf field:

I)Building the base and
II)Turf installation

Depending upon the requirements, conditions of the site, the size of the surface being installed, the resources of the contractor and the weather, the construction timetable for a synthetic turf facility varies.


The base not only serves as the platform for the artificial turf, it is also necessary for drainage. Here are the 4 stages of building the perfect base along with the typical time frames.

1) Field Excavation to Subgrade
2) Install Perimeter Concrete Curb/Nailer
3) Install Geotextile and field underdrain system
4) Install free-draining base stone and finish stone

Prior to laying the synthetic turf carpet, the base will be inspected for surface regularity.


Off-load turf rolls and place them along the perimeter

The rolls of synthetic turf will be delivered to the site and before installation; the synthetic turf will be checked for pile height, colour and stitch ratio.

Sewing of the turf panels

Synthetic turfs are lined up with one roll overlapping the other by approximately 50mm. The rolls are rolled out across the width of the pitch. One side of the roll is trimmed with a sharp knife to ensure a straight seam. Another side of the next roll is cut using a steel straightedge.
The two-part adhesive is mixed using an electric drill and paddle to ensure consistency of the material. The adhesive will be applied to the sealing tape with a specialist glue spreading machine to ensure the complete width of the seaming tape is covered. This process is continued until the total area is covered and the pitch is all green.

Install field markings and decorative markings

If the field is to contain permanent lines, the respective areas will be sheared and the new coloured turf material will be glued using hot melt. The adhesive will be applied to the sealing tape with a special glue spreading machine set at the desired spread rate, to ensure the complete width of the tape is covered and no excess material overspills on to the turf. The new coloured lines will be carefully unfolded onto the seaming tape.

Installation of the infill

The sand and rubber infill is placed in layers over the pitch (between the turf fibres) using a mechanically-operated spreader controlling the desired fill rate. In between layers the pitch is mechanically brushed and groomed to avoid trapping any fibres. The brushing and filling continue until the recommended infill level is achieved.

Eden Grass is creatively made to replicate natural grass. The deflection of light and incorporation of moss and hazel colours in the thatch layer of the artificial grass looks extremely realistic. We offer a range of durable artificial grass, which keeps incredible all year round with different characteristics to suit your every need. Eden is a top spec product and is designed with yarn technology enabling recovery after activity, with vibrant green tones.
