Artificial grass is becoming increasingly popular and homeowners who have pets are often curious as to how well artificial turf will hold up under certain circumstances.

Pets can be extremely hard on lawns with natural grass and artificial grass is a low-maintenance landscaping solution that offers several benefits for pet owners.

Before you start your search for the best artificial grass, let’s take a look at the benefits.

Artificial Grass Is Easy to Clean

One of the biggest benefit for many pet owners is that, artificial grass is easy to clean when it comes to pet droppings.

You can easily hose the grass down to get rid of liquid waste, while any solids can be spotted and then picked up and safely disposed of.

If care is taken to remove or dilute the waste, artificial turf will experience little or no damage.

Scratching and Digging

Pets that like to scratch and dig in the grass will get discouraged rather quickly if artificial turf is installed.

The nylon/polypropylene fibers used to create the mesh backing and blades of artificial grass are extremely resilient and can withstand many types of activity, including the constant digging and scratching that most pets are known for.

The installation of quality artificial grass can be a simple yet effective way of making sure that your pet can’t do this from now on.

It’s Great for Play

Perhaps the biggest benefit that your dog will feel with an artificial lawn is in the way that it is fantastic to play on.

Pets will love the feel of artificial grass just like they do real grass as it is made of soft and springy materials, making it enjoyable and fun for them to play on.

Also, pets can use it regardless of the time of year, and they won’t get wet, muddy paws all through your home.

Eden Grass is creatively made to replicate natural grass. We offer a range of durable artificial grass, which keeps incredible all year round with different characteristics to suit your every need. Eden Grass is a top spec product and is designed with yarn technology enabling recovery after activity, with vibrant green tones.
