Turf Is Better Than Grass In Football. Why?

If used more than three to four days a week, in snow or drought, or during months when grass doesn’t grow, natural grass cannot remain lush and resilient. The cost of maintaining a natural grass sports field or landscape is high. Also, the need to conserve water has prompted a rising number of schools, parks, and municipalities to turn to synthetic turf to meet the needs. 

Artificial football grass often looks like natural grass. Artificial turf has been replacing natural turf for decades in athletic fields across the world everywhere. From Olympic stadiums and professional league arenas to grade school sports fields, the grass has been replaced.  A number of benefits and advantages have been offered by an artificial turf athletic fields that natural turf fields can’t compete with.

All-weather Utility

In a moderate to heavy rain, natural turf fields will turn to mud. We can say goodbye to the grass, if we play on a natural field while it’s raining, and look forward to a good deal of replanting later on. Players will leave a perfect field behind every time, however, rain or shine for an artificial turf field. Artificial grass is ideal for wetter areas or playing during rainy times of the year.

Versatility and Preparation

Artificial turf athletic fields can endure heavy use and are versatile. Natural turf will need a period of recovery before another game can be played on it. The recovery time can limit or interfere with the arrangements, if we are organizing several consecutive sporting events to take place on the field. Artificial turf fields can withstand over 500 event hours while natural turf fields are able to withstand about 100 event hours of use. Artificial turf is often the best solution for a multi-purpose field with frequent events and games. It requires 0 recovery time and is ready to go as soon as your team is.

Saving Resources

We need a lot of water and fertilizer to keep grass growing on a football field throughout the year. Thousands of gallons of water used every day to keep a football field properly maintained could be used in other areas. Fertilizer can also be very expensive and may have environmental consequences of the field.

Eden Grass is creatively made to replicate natural grass. We offer a range of durable artificial grass, which keeps incredible all year round with different characteristics to suit your every need. Eden grass is a top spec product and is designed with yarn technology enabling recovery after activity, with vibrant green tones.
