What Are The Benefits Of Artificial Grass?

The benefit artificial turf provides on a game-playing field is known for sports fans. But a game-playing field is not the only place where artificial turf can be used successfully. Residents interested in drought-tolerant landscaping have adopted artificial turf. It offers both beautiful curb appeal and space for family, pets, and guests. Let’s take a look at some of the benefits of artificial turf and how it might impact our landscaping.

What are the benefits of artificial grass?

1)Without sacrificing the health of our lawn, we can save water.
2)Yard will maintain its beauty throughout the year
3)It doesn’t require fertilizer, pesticides, water, or gas-powered tools to thrive
4)We can cut back on the time required to maintain our lawn
5)We can save money on resources needed to maintain our lawn
Let’s take a closer look at some of the details.

Artificial Turf Doesn’t Need Water or Maintenance

Artificial turf requires no maintenance to maintain its beautiful green appearance unlike sod or natural grasses. Just lay the turf in place and forget it, no weekly mowing. One of the best things about artificial turf is its low-maintenance nature. It allows us to focus more on the things we enjoy doing in our yard.

The Grass that Really Is Greener

In the winter grass and sod will go into a dormant stage and turn brown. If we live in an arid area, we may be experiencing this now as the widespread drought continues to devastate certain areas. Artificial turf looks good no matter which season it is and will remain the same color year around.

It’s Environmentally Friendly

Artificial turf is more eco-friendly than even natural grass since the product requires no maintenance from gas or electric-powered lawn equipment. A simple sweeping will clear away most any debris or soil from the tip of the turf. Artificial grass never needs toxic chemicals to protect its health. These chemicals dangerous for our kids and pets, who often come into direct contact when playing on the lawn, but they also contaminate runoff water systems and have a negative impact on the bigger picture.

Artificial Landscape Will Save You Money

In addition to the expense of monthly maintenance, including mowing, fertilizers, and sod, natural grass needs water. Artificial turf doesn’t require any of this.

Cost Effective Replacement

The process of replacing artificial turf is less expensive and easier than replacing a landscape with grass seeds or sod. If the turf being replaced still has some life in it. Replaced artificial turf can be recycled for other uses in the landscape, such as creating weed-free garden paths or dog runs etc.

Eden Grass is creatively made to replicate natural grass. The deflection of light and incorporation of moss and hazel colours in the thatch layer of the artificial grass looks extremely realistic. We offer a range of durable artificial grass, which keeps incredible all year round with different characteristics to suit your every need. Eden is a top spec product and is designed with yarn technology enabling recovery after activity, with vibrant green tones.
